Tool 1: Blogs
Reflection on Blogs
Throughout my educational experiences I have never used a blog as an ICT for learning. However, blogs are becoming increasingly popular as a way of communication of ideas and aiding in the facilitation of learning. Blogs allow for increasing personalization and the author has complete control of every aspect.
Wordpress (2014), states that a blog follows the general style of a chronological 'diary type' that can provide links to other sites, information, pictures, videos and other media features. Blogs are constructed through the various types of websites found on the internet. Blogs generally contain the main content, archive page, comment areas and links (Wordpress, 2014). These can all be customized to suit the individual, depending on what they need the viewers to have access to on their blog. Blogs customization tools include fonts, colours, backgrounds, profile pictures or by using set templates. Google (2014), believes that as a blogger you have the right to link files such as other webpages, videos, pictures or other blogs to your site. This also counts for inserting media onto your blog page (depending on the size of the files). Others can interact with your blog by leaving comments or sharing your blog. Mack Collier (2014) suggests the more you interact and reply to the comments left by other bloggers the more viewers you will gain.
The features described above give the blogger a chance to create a blog which contains information that is supported by an array of visual features. This not only can help students with different learning styles but also encourages the reader to actively engage in the information. These features can strengthen the social and academic connections between students, whilst building technological competence. The multimedia interaction available on a blog encourages students to engage with the content. When students are engaging with the content, they begin to reflect, evaluate, synthesize and overall being to develop higher order thinking.
Blogs can be used throughout the classroom and provide cross-curricular opportunities. Below is a list of how blogs can be used (learner-centered) in the classroom:
- Students reflect on stories, synopsis's, create book reviews etc
- Organisation of ideas, creating and presenting graphs or charts
- Collaboration, reflection, summarize and analyse ideas
- Method of presentation for classroom projects or assignments
- Using the blog as an interactive tool for a research project or information. E.g. online collaboration with the town mayor for project about the local environment.
- Introduce blogging as a homework task
- Using a blog to organise and maintain information
- Assessment tool on ability to reflect on a chosen topic, level of collaboration (comments) and overall analysis of ideas presented.
- School - parent - teacher interaction can be improved by publishing newsletters and other sources of information on a class blog.
- Used as a way of presenting an assignment or presentation
- Sharing any type of information between classes or students (suitable for any subject)
- Acts as an archive or storage for students individual or class work
- Utilization of blog for students to create/ answer online quizzes
- Activities that would typically be done on paper could be altered to complete on the blog
- Using a blog as reading resource e.g. a way of getting a different perspective of a topic
- Developing literacy skills such as spelling and writing
- Brainstorm wall
Collier, M. (2014). How to get more interaction on your blog. Retrieved from:
Google. (2014). Limits on blogger. Retrieved from:
Wordpress. (2014). What is a "blog"?. Retrieved from:
Other Reflections and SAMR for Engagement Activities:
Reflection on Wiki's
Wiki spaces can be used in the classroom as a tool, engagement activity or for enhancing an activity to encourage active engagement. Wiki spaces (2013), believes the blog is not only an effective academic tool but can also be a powerful assessment tool by allowing a learning manager to monitor student contribution and engagement. By using the editing tools to enhance or create a blog you are not only improving your technology skills but also becoming actively engaged in the content. Overall, by having this functional tool accessible for almost any type of activity, it would be valuable in developing ICT in and outside the academic environment.
- Use the wiki space as a class blog - questions can be posted, news events, whats happening in the classroom etc
- A space for each student to upload both their formative and summative assessment pieces.
- Collaborate with peers, teachers, outside sources for research or group projects.
- Giving feedback to peers through comments rather than verbally.
- Use as a space to create and edit collaboratively for activities such as pmi charts, blooms taxonomy, de bonos thinking hats and kwl charts.
- Using the editing tools to enhance work e.g. changing fonts, sizes, styles or demonstrating the usage of the thesaurus.
- Student publish their work on wiki space
- Search other blogs for information e.g if writing a persuasive argument, research both sides and consider opinions from others perspectives.
Wikispaces. (2013). Wikispaces classroom. Retrieved from:
Reflection on Weebly
- Blogs or other sources of information can be embedded into Weebly
- Can be accessed both in the home and school environment
- Students can develop their knowledge on using this ICT
- Editing text is just like using Microsoft word - these skills are then transferable for students and make the editing process simple.
- Student has complete control over every feature of the page
- Student may have minimal access to a computer at home
- Data or other information cannot be changed or altered unless it is done so by the editor
- Reflective comments or general comments cannot be added by any other user unless the editor adds a forum page.
- Weebly allows for more features such as blogs, purchasing tools, surveys, booking tools etc.
- Create your own domain name
- Blogs embedded into Weebly can have a voice option - a benefit for students who are audio learners.
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