Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Week 5 - Digital Technologies 3 & 4

Week 5

Reflection on PowerPoint

PowerPoint is an ICT tool that encourages creativity through presentation. The options for PowerPoint are limitless, whilst students learn and explore meaningfully. PowerPoint is not only an effective tool for students but is becoming a popular tool in classrooms to present information or  aid in learning. The University of Central Florida (2014) believes that this ICT tool is beneficial in a variety of ways:

  • Can be used as a resource for different learning styles
  • Keeps students engaged and active in the task through images and and visual impact
  • Can enrich the curriculum and the way students process new knowledge.
Using an ICT tool such as PowerPoint breaks the traditional mold of students copying information out of books or off the black/whiteboard. Students are now learning to actively engage with the information presented in front of them. Their learning is clearly scaffolded through the use of text, images, videos, sounds, charts and tables. By effectively scaffolding learning to keep the learner motivated and processing knowledge, it could be suggested that some students will excel further in learning than they would with 'traditional methods'.  The functions that allow PowerPoint to become more visually appealing also allow students to interpret information in a different way. For example, instead of reading a description about a jungle, they can look at the pictures or videos a learning manager has added to the presentation for ample experience. The University of Minnesota (2013) believes that teachers can capitalize on PowerPoint's strength as an actively engaging tool to promote learning in the classroom. 

Methods to use PowerPoint in the classroom through SAMR are: 


  • Students use PowerPoint as a tool to insert images or text onto, for a title page 


  • Display tool for students work at school events such as teacher/parent information nights, school fates or teacher interview nights. 
  • Learning managers can use PowerPoint as a tool to revisit information presented earlier in the term, either for pre-assessment use or just concluding a topic in the classroom. 
  • Videos or tables are presented in a a slide by slide format with the adjoining information (rather than teachers using individual websites or programs). 
  • Used as a tool to create a class brainstorm, KWL or PMI chart. 


  • Students use PowerPoint as an interactive tool as a presentation method
  • Students can create a visual scrapbook, uploading their own work and including it in the PowerPoint or using images, sounds or videos from other sources and embedding them in the PowerPoint. 


  • PowerPoint is used as a worksheet or template (instead of a paper version) 
  • Used as a presentation tool for presenting information (learning managers), assignments or using as a visual aid in oral presentations. 


University of Central Florida. (2014). Effective use of power point. Retrieved from http://www.fctl.ucf.edu/teachingandlearningresources/Technology/PowerPoint/index.php 

University of Minnesota. (2013). Active lecturing: the potential of powerpoint. Retrieved from http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/tutorials/powerpoint/lecturing/ 


Here is my Prezi that I have created with the program. 


Prezi is a fun and engaging tool that students can get actively involved in, whilst presenting different types of information with the different layouts. The type of Prezi that I have created could be used in a class argument to present for or against type of information. 


Here is the link to my Glogster.


Glogster is an excellent tool for learning and presentation. The learning benefits can be seen below: 

  • Students learn how to present assignments, information and everyday activities using a multitude of tools
  • Students can learn how to socially and collaboratively work with peers by using a classroom website or by creating glogs.
  • Students can learn to reflect, analyse and evaluate about their day or activities undertaken and post a summary on a glog. Students can also create a glog to show what they have learnt.
  • Learn to search and analyse others glogsters (perhaps for the use of finding primary and secondary sources or evaluating the quality of information). 
Glogster is an excellent tool for firing the creativity inside a student! 

Friday, 25 July 2014

Week 4 - Digital Technologies 2

Re sized Images

This image as been re-sized by 50% both horizontally and vertically

Where as, this photo graph below has only been re-sized by 90% horizontally and vertically

Here is a Creative Comms image that has been shared to Flickr.

Here is a link to my uploaded photo on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/126143068@N08/ 


Flickrs website has a colorful, engaging layout. Being new to Flickr I am finding the navigation easy and believe this would be a functional image organizer for students to use in a classroom. Combining the functionality and type of website that Flickr is, students would be engaged in using this ICT as you can explore multiple images through different categories, searches and types. Although all learners aren't visual this type of digital technology could cater in some instance for nearly every learner. Stansbury (2008) found from a recent study that adding or using visual instruction can aid in developing higher order thinking. Therefore by interacting using a website such as Flickr in the classroom, students are able to strengthen their learning understandings. 

Using the 'group' function in Flicker students and teachers can interact and share a multitude of photos. This could be beneficial for a class project, general sharing, exploring new topics, creating mood boards, displaying class achievements or just as an everyday class photo share. By giving students exposure to millions of images it can aid in developing creativity in the classroom by looking at different perspectives of how a photo was taken. Flickr would also be an ICT tool that can be used in cross-circular type activities to promote visual literacy. 

Stansbury, M. (2008). Analysis: how multimedia can improve learning. Retrieved from: http://www.eschoolnews.com/2008/03/26/analysis-how-multimedia-can-improve-learning/3/ 


Here is the link to my audio recording: https://melaniehull.wikispaces.com/My+Home+Page 
**Please note you need the latest version of Quicktime and if you are having trouble loading the recording it is just located on my home page. 

Digital Video - Reflection Week 4 


I have created this video with Google - youtube editor. Personally, I think for students who want to demonstrate their understanding of this type of technology they use a more sophisticated tool such as Movie Maker. The you tube editor is very basic and only allows for basic music, videos and text to be created. This program would be positive for introducing students into the digital video process but lacks the in depth features to make a personalized and creative video.

Even though this particular digital editing tool did not prove as sophisticated as first thought of, the use of digital video can enhance and change the way students learn. Students are no longer relying on their learning managers to guide them through step by step, students can take responsibility for their learning. With this new responsibility presents a chance for the student to demonstrate their knowledge of not only the content inside the movie, but the use of ICT. This tool also benefits students who have a creativity for flair or wish to ignite it, whilst also providing a possible new method of assessment tool. 

Video's are a digital tool that can be used to accommodate all learning styles as you can see whats happening, hear whats happening and watch whats happening. Videos can be used in the following ways: 
  • Redefinition - Create picture collages and include text, voice overs and music. This can be for assessment, describing a field trip or showcasing everyday happenings in the classroom.
  • Modification - Present an interview or an argument (communicating point of view, analysing one point of view over the other etc) - as a collaborative project or individually. 
  • Augmentation - Use as a tool for self-evaluation. For example when completing a maths problem the student can watch the video and pick up errors (Schwatrz & Hartman, n.d)
  • Substitution - Create class or individual diary entries summarizing the day/weeks learning's 
  • Substitution - Modelling a new skill or demonstrating a skill
  • Modification - Movies can be used as a tool to develop a deeper understanding by watching other videos available online. This can encourage higher order thinking skills and reflection on the students own knowledge. 
  • Redefinition - Digital video footage can also be combined from different sources such as cameras, smartphones and other video recording devices. This can be beneficial for students who are limited with the type of recording devices available to them. 
  • Augmentation - Digital videos also can enhance the learning experience learning managers provide to students. Learning managers can use videos as an instructional tool, a tool for explanation or as an engagement tool when introducing a new topic. 
Schwatrz, D. & Hartman, K. (n.d.) Its not television anymore: designing digital video for learning and assessment. Retrieved from: http://aaalab.stanford.edu/papers/Designed_Video_for_Learning.pdf

Friday, 18 July 2014

Week 3 - Digital Technologies 1

Reflection 2: Week 3
Tool 1: Blogs
Reflection on Blogs

Throughout my educational experiences I have never used a blog as an ICT for learning. However, blogs are becoming increasingly popular as a way of communication of ideas and aiding in the facilitation of learning. Blogs allow for increasing personalization and the author has complete control of every aspect. 
Wordpress (2014), states that a blog follows the general style of a chronological 'diary type' that can provide links to other sites, information, pictures, videos and other media features. Blogs are constructed through the various types of websites found on the internet. Blogs generally contain the main content, archive page, comment areas and links (Wordpress, 2014). These can all be customized to suit the individual, depending on what they need the viewers to have access to on their blog. Blogs customization tools include fonts, colours, backgrounds, profile pictures or by using set templates. Google (2014), believes that as a blogger you have the right to link files such as other webpages, videos, pictures or other blogs to your site. This also counts for inserting media onto your blog page (depending on the size of the files). Others can interact with your blog by leaving comments or sharing your blog. Mack Collier (2014) suggests the more you interact and reply to the comments left by other bloggers the more viewers you will gain.
The features described above give the blogger a chance to create a blog which contains information that is supported by an array of visual features. This not only can help students with different learning styles but also encourages the reader to actively engage in the information. These features can strengthen the social and academic connections between students, whilst building technological competence. The multimedia interaction available on a blog encourages students to engage with the content. When students are engaging with the content, they begin to reflect, evaluate, synthesize and overall being to develop higher order thinking. 
Blogs can be used throughout the classroom and provide cross-curricular opportunities. Below is a list of how blogs can be used (learner-centered) in the classroom:
  • Students reflect on stories, synopsis's, create book reviews etc 
  • Organisation of ideas, creating and presenting graphs or charts
  • Collaboration, reflection, summarize and analyse ideas
  • Method of presentation for classroom projects or assignments


  • Using the blog as an interactive tool for a research project or information. E.g. online collaboration with the town mayor for project about the local environment. 
  • Introduce blogging as a homework task
  • Using a blog to organise and maintain information
  • Assessment tool on ability to reflect on a chosen topic, level of collaboration (comments) and overall analysis of ideas presented.  

  • School - parent - teacher interaction can be improved by publishing newsletters and other sources of information on a class blog.
  • Used as a way of presenting an assignment or presentation 
  • Sharing any type of information between classes or students (suitable for any subject) 

  • Acts as an archive or storage for students individual or class work 
  • Utilization of blog for students to create/ answer online quizzes 
  • Activities that would typically be done on paper could be altered to complete on the blog
  • Using a blog as reading resource e.g. a way of getting a different perspective of a topic
  • Developing literacy skills such as spelling and writing
  • Brainstorm wall

Collier, M. (2014). How to get more interaction on your blog. Retrieved from: http://www.mackcollier.com/got-comments-how-to-get-more-interaction-on-your-blog/ 
Google. (2014). Limits on blogger. Retrieved from:  https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/42348?hl=en. 
Wordpress. (2014). What is a "blog"?. Retrieved from: http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging. 

Other Reflections and SAMR for Engagement Activities:

Reflection on Wiki's

Wiki spaces are another type of blog that can be functional for an active classroom. The space is highly organised with each section having its own separate section to file everything under. The saying 'the world is your oyster' could be applied to wiki spaces as you can do almost anything conceivable in this blog! Easy navigation is due to the high organisation, which allows for creating and adding content stress free. As a student or a learning manager you can create templates, events, insert photos, videos, text documents and more. The opportunities are endless.  

Wiki spaces can be used in the classroom as a tool, engagement activity or for enhancing an activity to encourage active engagement. Wiki spaces (2013), believes the blog is not only an effective academic tool but can also be a powerful assessment tool by allowing a learning manager to monitor student contribution and engagement. By using the editing tools to enhance or create a blog you are not only improving your technology skills but also becoming actively engaged in the content. Overall, by having this functional tool accessible for almost any type of activity, it would be valuable in developing ICT in and outside the academic environment.  



  • Use the wiki space as a class blog - questions can be posted, news events, whats happening in the classroom etc
  • A space for each student to upload both their formative and summative assessment pieces. 
  • Collaborate with peers, teachers, outside sources for research or group projects. 

  • Giving feedback to peers through comments rather than verbally. 

  • Use as a space to create and edit collaboratively for activities such as pmi charts, blooms taxonomy, de bonos  thinking hats and kwl charts. 
  • Using the editing tools to enhance work e.g. changing fonts, sizes, styles or demonstrating the usage of the thesaurus. 
  • Student publish their work on wiki space
  • Search other blogs for information e.g if writing a persuasive argument, research both sides and consider opinions from others perspectives. 

Wikispaces. (2013). Wikispaces classroom. Retrieved from: http://www.wikispaces.com/content/classroom/about#about-uses 

Reflection on Weebly

Weebly's layout and navigation tools are more visually appealing than the Blogger and Wiki space. The toolbar down the left hand side makes creating a site more appealing and user friendly for any age group. Therefore, it would be a highly functional tool for students to work with in the classroom. Weebly's benefits in the classroom context include being used to present formative or summative assessment, create portfolios or just developing technology skills by learning to create a website. 



  • Blogs or other sources of information can be embedded into Weebly
  • Can be accessed both in the home and school environment
  • Students can develop their knowledge on using this ICT
  • Editing text is just like using Microsoft word - these skills are then transferable for students and make the editing process simple. 
  • Student has complete control over every feature of the page


  • Student may have minimal access to a computer at home
  • Data or other information cannot be changed or altered unless it is done so by the editor
  • Reflective comments or general comments cannot be added by any other user unless the editor adds a forum page. 


  • Weebly allows for more features such as blogs, purchasing tools, surveys, booking tools etc. 
  • Create your own domain name
  • Blogs embedded into Weebly can have a voice option - a benefit for students who are audio learners. 

Friday, 11 July 2014

Week 2 - E-Learning Design Principles

Personal Pedagogy 

A personal pedagogy to teaching is something that is heartfelt through built relationships, experiences and exposure to life's upheavals and downfalls. The YouTube clip in the below link does not have an educational influence or relate to academics. However, the speech in this video is related to anyone at any point of life and can be applied to any situation. Therefore, it becomes relevant and influential when creating a personal pedagogy. 

Everyone is learner at any stage of life. As learning managers we learn when we teach and interact with a plethora of individual students. These students possess different needs, wants, abilities and aspirations. It is our responsibility as a learning manager to be the example that the students need, to strive for greatness. A learning manager who demonstrates respect, focus, trust and a positive attitude is one who can facilitate an active learning environment. A dedication to developing a supportive learning environment is crucial in facilitating collaborative learning, relating learning to real life situations, whilst building social and academic skills. Providing students with an authentic education through planning to suit each student will help them connect positively inside and outside the classroom. It will also motivate them to discover new information and provide an opportunity to question their own thinking. Higher order thinking is developed through an  education where students query and decompose their thoughts, others opinions and the facts to ultimately help themselves in achieving learning outcomes. Learning can be routine but through thoughtful planning, engaging activities and a positive attitude this becomes the basis for good pedagogy. This is my pedagogical approach that i will be developing throughout my teaching career. 

"He who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right"

Blooms Taxonomy and the SAMR Model

The picture below is from Kathy Schrock's (2013) website. The diagram shows how Blooms and the SAMR model work together, along with some appropriate apps to get students started. There are similar programs like the apps found all over the internet so this model is great example of how technology can be introduced in the learning environment. 

The links found between Blooms Taxonomy and the SAMR model can easily be integrated into a 'modern' curriculum. In fact, because the technology can easily slot into Blooms Taxonomy it would be advantageous to take the transitional steps to introduce this into the classroom. 

SAMR and Blooms Taxonomy take on the basic principle of developing information to promote higher order thinking. For example the SAMR begins at the substitution phase (lowest) and goes to redefinition (highest). Blooms Taxonomy begins at the knowledge phase and ends at the creating phase. Both of these set of levels/phases slowly require the learner to go past rote learning and delve further into information or facts to achieve the final outcome.

The substitution level of the SAMR could be linked to the remembering stage of Blooms where the student recalls basic information or facts. In this level of SAMR the student only substitutes technology, for example as a new way of taking notes or presenting information. Therefore by recalling information or knowledge and using basic technology as a substitute way of presenting or finding information, these models can be interrelated. 

Like Blooms understanding and applying levels the augmentation level in SAMR is a step up and begins to enhance a students learning by develop higher order thinking skills. For example in the augmentation phase a student may use technological resources such as online sharing sites, online information sites and using online tools in replacement of books or encyclopedias. Students are beginning to be exposed to other sources, opinions and types of information that they must decide on what is relevant, truthful and resourceful to them. This is the same process in which the understanding and applying levels take place in Blooms Taxonomy. For a student to understand and apply information they must organise, compare and interpret sources using different tools. Using their acquired knowledge requires a student to separate their current knowledge and decide what is most appropriate for the information.

The modification stage of SAMR looks at students redesigning a task and using different tools to find information. This can link to the analysing and evaluating stage where the student analyses and then evaluates information, which can alter the outcome of a task. Having this technology available helps students in comparing ideas or opinions, in turn probing higher order thinking. 

In the last stage of SAMR students are redesigning tasks. This redefinition uses technology to present information or aid in the process. If the work is presented online this can allow for immediate feedback and other perspectives can be considered. Once again the evaluating stage in Blooms Taxonomy can be applied to this as the student can evaluate the effectiveness of their work, how effectively it has been communicated with the technology and how technology has been used to enhance the quality of work. The final stage of Blooms Taxonomy, creating, helps students to combine all information or facts and categorize it into meaningful, summarized information.

**Contribution to the De Bono Hats can be found on the group wiki. 

Assignment 1: Reflection 1, Week 2


Mobile phones are a  very debatable and controversial topic in the academic world. Using De Bono's 6 Thinking Hats this topic was unfolded step by step. Through scaffolded questioning, every aspect, both positive and negative sides of the topic were considered. Instead of presenting one opinion with a generalist yes or no undertone, the thinking hats allowed me to see a more comprehensive and objective consideration of the issue (Parade College, 2013). 

The other opinions presented by peers meant I was able to see other perspectives and therefore develop my own personal opinion. The individual opinion by each student on this wiki page allowed for online collaboration, feedback and discussion about ideas. In undertaking this collaboration the learning that was facilitated began to develop higher order thinking by analysing others theories or opinions. 

This type of activity can be related to the social constructivism theory. Our learning process in this activity is collaborative and knowledge is deepened through this communication with peers. The University of Houston (2014) states that a teacher who creates a learning context where students are engaged and interested will always facilitate learning. This was reflective in my participation in this task where I was engaged by the different types of questioning through De Bono's Thinking Hats. The topic of the task was highly relateable to contemporary issues faced in today's society. Therefore, I was able to use my current knowledge on the context but also learn more through discussions with peers. I also believe this forum is a reflection of cognitive constructivism due to students building on their current knowledge through interaction in the forum. The learning design of this task allows us to present our opinions/answers through short summations under each thinking hat. 

With some of the hats I struggled to phrase my answers in a way that was concise, yet thorough. However, the ideas and comments from peers on the wiki page enabled me to build and develop my opinions. In any task there are people who struggle and people who don't, so choosing the wiki as a technological resource caters for this. The web page is easy to use, whilst peers also have the option of remaining anonymous if they feel their opinion could perhaps be objective (something that is not possible in a real classroom). 

I enjoyed participating in the wiki as I have had exposure to this type of online forum before and the instructions on how to use the page were set out in a clear and concise way. The only downfall would be that due to this task being accessible for the whole week, it becomes hard to interact with peers at the same time. Yes you can see and discuss opinions but due to everyone logging on at different times it becomes hard to interact with peers at one time. If used in a classroom setting it could contribute to the learning of students in various ways including:

  •  teaching students how to use and navigate through a classroom forum
  • how to work collaboratively to deepen knowledge
  • demonstrate what a scaffolded task is (e.g. de bonos thinking hats, blooms taxonomy)
  • how you can break down information


Parade College. (2013). Defining: Edward de Bono's six thinking hats. Retrieved from: http://www.parade.vic.edu.au/MD/teacher_research_guide/Defining/defining_debono.htm 

University of Houston. (2014). Social constructivist theories. Retrieved from: http://viking.coe.uh.edu/~ichen/ebook/et-it/social.htm

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Week 1 - Learning Theory and E-Learning

Identify the ideas that struck you as most important in the video and the Edutopia reading, including implications in the classroom:

Rubenstein's article provides an insight into the importance of catering for multiple intelligence's and how learning can effect the brain. From reading this article it reinforces the fundamental fact that evolving learning managers must always remember; every student has a strength and weakness, some more evident than others. Therefore, providing a plethora of different learning activities to cater for diverse learning styles provides equal opportunities for students to learn. 

The idea by Willis to develop a weaker skill set through students interests to help them stay engaged on the task, can be used for any student at an any age level. By giving the students motivation and engaging materials/tasks they can develop their weaker skill set, perhaps without even realizing. The implication of this idea for learning could have huge potential. Especially for students who are lacking motivation in the classroom or find activities frustrating. Once students begin to grasp onto an idea or something they have struggled with in the classroom it could be suggested that they will then be more willing to participate. Therefore, further their learning and help those around them who may be struggling in the classroom. 

Shaywitz's idea of personalisation and individualization is also a key point in this article. It is very similar to the idea of having a weak and strong skill set. The rewarding of students other skills will be a positive step in motivating students . Would this encourage them to take advantage of their stronger skill set and try to push the weaker skill set aside? Individualization is an invaluable tool in allowing students to grow and show their learning. However, the level of individualization still needs to be equal to the curriculum standards and aid students in showing this. 

Willis demonstrates first hand the connections between neuroscience and learning. The explanation of how information passes through the brain is thorough and in dept, despite no ultimate conclusions being made. The overarching idea that the brain itself chooses select information to reach the 'thinking part' of the brain is the basis of all conclusions made by Willis. Willis believes that the brain gives preference to information that has changed but more importantly a higher priority to new information or possible 'dangerous' information. Therefore by undertaking the strategies of introducing new information over a longer time period this will "reduce stress and allow information into the thinking part of the brain". The implications in the classroom would mean that learning managers would change or alter their planning to introduce new ideas over a longer time frame. This would allow students to cognitively develop their understanding at a pace where the information is not daunting or stressful for the student. 

Consider also the benefits that might be offered by using ICT in your classrooms.

The ultimate benefit of using ICT's in the classroom is that this technology is forever changing and updating. Although this worries some, students will progress in their ICT skills by viewing different websites, exploring new programs, creating resources and learning to interact safely. ICT can be utilized across multiple cross-circular areas and the skills learnt are transferable, whilst still relating to the real world. 

Using ICT in the classroom differs from the 'traditional' ways of teaching where the teacher is the sole source of information. It allows students to explore real life issues that may or may not be familiar to them. Furthermore, a student will be able to share, create and take responsibility for their own learning in conjunction with the use of an ICT. ICT caters for all learners and learning styles therefore being a flexible and engaging tool in the classroom. With so many benefits and lifelong learning opportunities, ICT is a skill set and experience that can enhance a students educational underpinnings. 

 Review briefly the major theories of learning. Reflect on the shortcomings of the traditional classroom and curriculum in the light of the messages that have been delivered.

The major theories of learning break the traditional mold of teaching.The theories each present different ways of learning and teaching, therefore appealing to the learning manager who is searching for ways of teaching beyond the traditional structure. Behavioral, cognitive and social constructivism have similarities and differences but the main ideas associated with the theories are highlighted below - 

Behaviorism - Could be described as the 'traditional' way of teaching as students are self-motivated, relying on achievements being given either positive of negative feedback. This feedback can affect the learners achievements therefore it is important learning tasks are designed to accommodate learners style.   

Cognitive Constructivism - Is leaned more towards a discovery learning style where students develop knowledge from existing knowledge.

Social Constructivism - Can be based on a collaborative learning style where new knowledge is learnt and developed with collaboration with others. Students see different points of view and opinions set by others to further their knowledge.

Overall, the traditional classroom is what a 'modern' day classroom is based upon. However, learning managers are slowly incorporating 21st century technologies and learning design to alter and enhance learning. With the use of ever changing technology in the classroom and throughout the curriculum students have access to a variety of tools to help develop their learning in a way which they fully understand. ICT in the curriculum and classroom can provide a tool for lifelong learning, to which students can apply to any situation both academically and in the outside world. 

Melanie Hull 03/07/14